How is Milk Thistle Beneficial For Your Liver and Your Body as a Whole

There are many different views on the beneficial characteristics as well as the qualities which this herb called silybum marianum, popularly called milk thistle has. It originally belongs to the daisy family and is also available in abundance in west or to be more precise, Europe.


Milk thistle has many benefiting features and qualities, but two of the main features is contained by the leaves which is they retain a milky sap and the leaves has white spots. There are many researches still going on to maximize the use of this herb and one of the recent discovery in this segment is that, the seed of milk thistle is alleviating in curing chronic liver diseases. These seeds are used as medicine for treating liver diseases for the last 2,000 years according to the findings.



It is very obvious that questions like whether the herbs such as milk thistle is really useful in cleansing the liver or not arises in minds of many and here is the answer for it. From ancient times itself, milk thistle has been used for different kinds of problems related to liver as well as the gall bladder. As we all know that liver is one of the most important part of our body machinery, its health in many ways also reflect how healthy a human being we are. Problems like constipation, indigestion and foul breath can be easily get rid off by using milk thistle to cleanse the liver.


There is one very important and useful chemical compound in the milk thistle which is used to detoxify the liver as well as regenerate the cells which resides in the liver, also known as liver cells. There are many ways in which liver can be damaged for e.g. by consuming alcohol too often or may be by consuming drugs as many of these drugs can have harmful effects on the liver.



Milk thistle and skin has anti-oxidizing agents which cleanses your liver and helps to keep the free radicals at bay. This in turn helps in reducing the rate at which inflammation occurs and thus, also prevents Cirrhosis. Milk thistle maintains the balances of enzymes and is therefore instrumental in protecting the liver. Anyone who is a victim of any kind of hepatic disease or may be just want to increase the immune power for these kinds of diseases, then taking herbal based supplements made of milk thistle is very effective. However, it is always advised that a physician is consulted before taking herbal supplement doses because taking these supplements in optimum amount is very essential else one might suffer, hampering side effects.


An herb such as supplement milk thistle is easily available in-store or online in the form of solution, capsules or complex compound named Silymarin phosphatidylcholine. Many researches have been conducted on the effectiveness of these herbal compounds and it has been proved that our body cells can absorb the above mentioned compound very quickly in comparison to other herbs and supplements available in the market.

Optimum amount of doses intake is very essential and adults can consume 13-15 mg of dried herb everyday but in case of children, it is very important that one takes precaution and consult a physician as researches are still going on to maximize the benefit deriving from this benefiting herb. So, the answer to the question that whether milk thistle cleanses the liver or not, the answer is definitely YES.

Benefits of Milk Thistle and Turmeric Curcumin Supplements


Turmeric is a plant of the ginger that is regularly used in Indian kitchen, but it has the most effect as a medicine. This plant has a long history of medicinal practice, and curcumin, its most potent active ingredient, has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral andantibacterial activity.

Turmeric can been used to treat pain, stomach and liver ailments. Topically, turmeric was used to help with treating many skin conditions, including helping to heal sores, eczema and and skin rashes.

Some scientists suggested that the daily intake of curcumin in a typical Indian diet may be anti-inflammatory, however, curcumin is cleared from the body in one hour tops. Luckily, there’s a hack for that. Combining curcumin with piperine, an alkaloid that is found in pepper, extends the life of curcumin in the body, helping it to stick around longer.

Benefits of curcumin:

– Research shows that curcumin can help to protect the intestinal barrier from any attacks by bacterial infection and can help heal a potential leak,

– Curcumin reduces the hepatotoxicity induced by arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead and mercury, prevents histological injury, lipid peroxidation and glutathione (GSH) depletion, maintains the liver antioxidant enzyme status and protects against mitochondrial dysfunction,

– Itcan also help with the genetic issues and side effects induced by radioactive iodine,

– Turmeric is a natural booster of your immune system. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder and improved body immunity would always benefit in psoriasis healing. Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharide which can stimulate your immunity system by increasing the count of white blood cells. Also, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of turmeric also strengthen your immune system and restrict any foreign material to attack your body.

Milk thistle is named for the milky texture, that is extracted from leaves. It is available at health stores and online in the form of organic seeds, supplements or liquid extract.

Effects of milk thistle:

– Studies from the University of Colorado Cancer Center show that silibinin, a milk thistle extract, protects against skin cancer and photo-aging induced by exposure to UV radiation.

– In traditional medicine, milk thistle is widely used for toxic and obstructed liver, jaundice, vomiting, pneumonia, flatulence, constipation and hemorrhoids.

– A number of common liver issues, such as jaundice, can be treated with best milk thistle supplements. It is the flavonoids found in the milk thistle seed that are thought to be responsible for the benefits that are delivered to the liver. The immune system is positively affected when flavonoids are introduced, making it easier for the body to fend off common illnesses.

– Studies tested on animals showed that silymarin was as effective at dropping cholesterol as the drug Probucol. The tests also showed that HDL, or good, cholesterol was raised.

– Silymarin also does a great job of raising bile solubility, making for easier circulation, which can be helpful in preventing or treating gallstones. When bile is able to circulate, it is more difficult for gallstones to form. The cholesterol levels in bile may also be dropped substantially with the regular use of milk thistle.
